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About "Central View"

"Central View" began in 1982 at the request of the editor and publisher of SUN Newspapers of Lincoln, Nebraska where it appeared each week for a number of years in The Lincoln Sun, and later, The Capital Times. The centrist-conservative views of the author found faithful readers in "fly-over land" because they reflect, in large measure, what many hard-working, tax-paying people in America's heartland think about the great issues of the day. Devoid of the Washington-New York "group-think," "Central View" was syndicated, primarily, by the American Press Syndicate to weekly newspapers across the Great Plains and in the Rocky Mountain West. It has appeared, without fail, every week for over 43 years.

The author, Dr. William Hamilton, maintains an extensive, personal network, at home and abroad, of former colleagues with whom he worked over the years either in the military or the intelligence community or the Foreign Service. Moreover, the internet provides a rich and seemingly endless vein of secondary source materials that inform "Central View." Trained as a historian, Dr. Hamilton firmly believes an understanding of the forces that molded the past can help humankind predict the future. The prediction of future events is a key feature of "Central View" which has, thus far, an excellent track record. For example, in an exclusive, breaking-news piece for USA Today, Dr. Hamilton accurately predicted the failure of the attempt by Gennadi I. Yanayev and seven other hard-line communists, in August of 1991, to overthrow Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Some months earlier, Dr. Hamilton and his wife, Dr. Penny Hamilton, interviewed Yanayev in his Moscow office at which time they concluded Yanayev, drunk or sober, couldn't organize a two-car parade.

Liberal readers are welcome; however, social and fiscal conservatives will be far more comfortable with "Central View." While "compassionate conservatism" is a current buzz term, Dr. Hamilton feels true conservatism is, by itself, the essence of compassion because, of all the political theories and "isms," only conservatism truly ennobles the human spirit and creates an environment in which every human being can achieve his or her greatest potential. Readers who think big government and more of it are the answer to America's problems are advised to stick with The New York Times or The Washington Post.

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