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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, November 8, 2004

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Election 2004: Winners and losers

The Democrats still don’t get it. They claim the reason President Bush defeated John Kerry and increased Republican control over both houses of Congress is because the Democrats just didn’t get their message across to the people. Wrong. The majority heard their message and rejected it. Until the Democrats learn the real lesson of 2004 and move to the Left-Center, the GOP’s Center-Right coalition will continue to govern.

Other 2004 losers include: Big Media, meaning: See-BS, ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The L.A. Times and The Washington Post. According to the Center for Media and Public Affairs, media coverage of the Bush campaign was 77 percent negative. Meanwhile, John Kerry received the most favorable news coverage of any presidential candidate in the last 25 years.

The goofy prizes go to Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite. In his passion to defeat Bush, Rather leapt on forged anti-Bush documents like a duck on a June Bug. Cronkite opined on air that the last-minute Osama bin Laden tape threatening violence against those voting for Bush was engineered by Bush chief strategist, Karl Rove. “Hello, Osama,” Karl Rove here. “It’s time to release the anti-Bush video.” Right.

Other losers include Democrat pollster, John Zogby, who apparently left the polling to subordinates while he went on the paid speaking circuit touting a Kerry victory when virtually all polls were pointing to another Bush victory.

Big winners: Scott Rasmussen whose polls were accurate throughout the campaign and virtually nailed the margin of the Bush-Cheney victory. Other winners: The Swift Boat Veterans and former POWs for Truth. Despite Big Media attempts to discredit them, many voters understood the Swifties anger at how John Kerry tried to use his phony claims of heroism and Purple Owies to manipulate his fellow Vietnam veterans for political advantage

The former POWs and their wives produced “Stolen Honor,” a chronicle of how Kerry’s congressional testimony slandered all veterans, increased their suffering and stole their honor. Thousands of copies of “Stolen Honor” are now in circulation, virtually foreclosing the possibility of another Kerry run for the White House.

The biggest winners are the Pajama-Mujahideed, those millions of Internet watch dogs who caught Dan Rather and CBS trying to rig the election for Kerry and blew the whistle. The Pajama-Mujahideen and Fox News Channel have broken the information monopoly of the Big Media.

Losers: Kerry’s scam artists: Tricking Oklahoma City church goers into visiting Kerry-Edwards headquarters with a promise of Flu shots backfired. Hiring an actor to imitate the voice of General Norman Schwarzkopf urging unsuspecting New Jersey voters to vote for Kerry when Storm’n Norman had just spoken at a rally for Bush, was exposed. Phony exit polls designed to make late voters think Kerry was winning and Bush was losing didn’t work either. The Christopher Reeves scam didn’t work. There is no Bush ban on stem cell research. In fact, the Bush Administration has invested more in stem cell research than any previous Administration. The Draft scam failed because voters realized we didn’t have a Draft before Clinton cut our armed forces in half, so we sure don’t need a Draft now.

So what caused President G.W. Bush to be the first President in 16 years to receive the votes of the majority of Americans and defeat John Kerry 51.2 to 48?

Two things: Clearly, Bush’s character was better trusted on how to protect Americans at home and abroad. And, the ultra-liberal Massachusetts Supreme Court, with its ruling that would have made Gay marriage the land of the land, put the Gay marriage issue on the ballots of 11 states. That prompted family-values voters to turn out in droves, nation-wide.

Ever since the 1960s, America has been engaged in an internal Culture war. Ever since the start of the Islamo-fascist attacks on Americans abroad beginning in the Carter years and at home since 9/11, we have been engaged in a War on Terror. On November 2, 2004, a solid majority of the American people decided the person they could trust to wage both wars is George W. Bush.

William Hamilton, a syndicated columnist, a featured commentator for USA Today and self-described “recovering lawyer and philosopher,” is the co-author of The Grand Conspiracy and The Panama Conspiracy – two thrillers about terrorism directed against the United States.

©2004. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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