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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, December 10, 2012

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Benghazi and other matters

Remember Benghazi! Somewhere out there in the night are members of the U.S. military who know who gave the order to "stand down" and not send help to the Americans on the ground in Benghazi on 9/11/2012. Some of them must be twisting and turning, knowing they have a duty to the four Americans who died to come forward and tell what happened. If Congress does not have the intestinal fortitude to seek the truth, given time, the burden of knowledge will be too much to bear and someone will come forward and tell. Count on it.

Some historians say the recent presidential election is reminiscent of Germany in 1933 when the "good Germans" stayed away from the polls and allowed the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) to come to power. That the NSDAP appealed to racism was no secret. No secret was the plan to create a corporate-socialist economy run by an oligarchy of NSDAP czars in Berlin. The disarmament of the populace so that only government forces would have weapons quickly followed. Maybe the "good Germans" did not foresee the new Leader would soon be ruling entirely by executive decree. Then, after 12 years of rule by the NSDAP and the total destruction of all around them, the surviving "good Germans" came up out of the rubble to claim they never supported the NSDAP in 1933. They just didn’t bother to vote for the other side.

Turning now to Treaties 102: Last week, a victory. The Senate refused to ratify a treaty that would have given the U.N. control over the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But now, the U.N. wants to take control of the Internet. The effort is being led by Red China and Russia and the other 55-percent of U.N. members labeled by Freedom House as either not-free or only partially-free. If you want the U.N. to control your Internet access, then be like the "good Germans" and do not bother to object should the Internet Treaty come before the U.S. Senate.

But wait. There’s more. In addition to the pending ratification Law of the Sea Treaty and the U.N. Small Arms Treaty (gun control), there is part of the Treaty of Rome that would subordinate U.S. Courts to the International Criminal Court (ICC). President Clinton signed it. Back then, the Senate ignored it. President George W. Bush renounced it. But the Obama Administration is now reengaged with the ICC’s over 100 signatories. Via the ICC’s war-crimes powers, the U.N. could determine if U.S. military engagements are legal or not. Ironically, if Mr. Obama travels to Switzerland, he might be arrested for his armed-drone program which the Swiss view as a war crime.

Finally, now that we have the election data, we know Gov. Romney lost because so many whites stayed home while blacks, Latinos, and single women turned out for Mr. Obama in record numbers. In 2008, 98.6 million whites voted for John McCain. In 2012, only 91.6 million whites voted for Gov. Romney. That is seven million who could have turned the election to Gov. Romney. They must have been playing golf or bingo or watching "Entertainment Tonight."

Nationally syndicated columnist and retired military officer, William Hamilton, was educated at the University of Oklahoma, the George Washington University, the U.S Naval War College, the University of Nebraska, and Harvard University.

©2012. William Hamilton.

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