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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, April 6, 2015

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Iran’s honking, dancing nuclear deal

Following last week’s "deal" with Iran, readers may wonder why there was joyous car-honking and dancing in the streets of Iran but the only dancing in this country was damage-control tap dancing by the Obama White House.

Background: In 2008, Candidate Obama announced his foreign policy goals: 1. Normalize relations with Iran and bring Iran back into the community of nations. 2. Secure all nuclear weapons and material from terrorists and rogue states, i.e. nuclear non-proliferation. (Two weeks ago, Team Obama took Iran off the list of terrorist/rogue nations.) 3. End the war in Iraq responsibly. 4. Finish the fight against al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 5. Rebuild our alliances to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. 6. Achieve true energy security.

Did Team Obama advance our energy security by vetoing the XL Pipeline and by making it virtually impossible for oil and gas exploration to be conducted on federal lands? Or, are today’s low gas prices due to private sector efforts to use advanced methods of fracking and horizontal drilling on private lands? You decide.

How are our alliances with Israel, Great Britain, and the E.U. nations? How is Mrs. Bill Clinton’s "reset" with Russia’s Putin? Have we finished the fight with al-Qaeda and the Taliban? You decide.

By pulling all U.S. troops out of Iraq in 2011, did that create the power vacuum that is now filled by Sunni ISIS and Shia Iran, the two forces now locked in mortal combat inside Iraq, Syria, and even Yemen? You decide.

Following last week’s so-called agreement in Iran, are we closer or farther away from securing all nuclear weapons and materials and keeping them away from terrorists and rogue states? You decide.

By agreeing to lift the economic sanctions on Iran and getting absolutely nothing in return, are we closer to normal relations with Iran and to bringing Iran back into the community of nations? You decide.

Bottom line: President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett just agreed to allow Iran to keep all its nuclear-development facilities (even one underground), to keep the uranium it has already enriched, to operate 6,000 centrifuges and, in ten years, Iran can do whatever the heck it wants with regard to developing nuclear weapons.

But what if Iran already has some nuclear weapons and is just trying to figure out how to mate them with a long-range delivery system? Perception is reality. The Arab States are acting as if they perceive that they are already facing a nuclear-armed Iran. Consequently, the Saudis and the Arab Gulf States are now scrambling to acquire their own nuclear weapons. So much for nuclear non-proliferation.

If you were the Mullahs, would you waste a nuclear weapon on Israel, making it impossible to occupy the land you covet? Or, would you explode just one nuclear-energized electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb over Nebraska and fry every transistor in every electronic device in over 70-percent of the United States?

Food, water, and gas riots would ensue. Team Obama could declare Martial Law. Just one EMP bomb over the USA would make Iran the ruler of most of the world worth having, and Team Obama the absolute ruler of every person in America.

Nationally syndicated columnist, William Hamilton, is a laureate of the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame, the Colorado Aviation Hall of Fame, and the Oklahoma University Army ROTC Wall of Fame. He was educated at the University of Oklahoma, the George Washington University, the U.S Naval War College, the University of Nebraska, and Harvard University.

©2015. William Hamilton.

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