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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, June 7, 2021

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

The Wuhan Virus Occupation of Amerika

Prior to the Wuhan Virus (AKA Covid-19), what most Americans knew about living under the occupation of a foreign power was from watching war movies about the Nazi occupation of Europe and the Soviet occupation of the nations behind the Iron Curtain.

But, ever since the State-imposed Covid-19 lockdowns and other restrictions on freedom of movement, assembly, and speech, Americans have gotten a small taste of what it is like to live under the occupation of a foreign power, albeit a virus from Wuhan China.

Recall, war movies where the Gestapo officer demands, "Ihre Ausweis, bitte!" Your papers, please! Without the "proper" papers, the occupied could not have access to anything of use. And, if the papers were really "wrong," that could mean the concentration camp or being shot. Keep your Covid-19 vaccine papers handy.

Historically, living under occupation meant certain words and phrases were "Verboten." The media hued to the Party line or were shut down. Only the Gestapo and the military could possess firearms. Slave laborers were brought in to do the menial labor the "good" Nazis would not do. Does anyone see a pattern here redolent of the administration of Lt. President Biden*?

Writing in the May 27, 2021, issue of American Greatness, Professor Angelo Codevilla says Biden fears the Chicoms will be exposed as the authors of the occupying pandemic and he is, therefore trying to put some daylight between himself and the Chicoms by calling for an investigation to which the Biden Regency** will give neither meaningful time nor resources.

But, unlike the Nazi occupation of Europe in the 1940s or the Soviet occupation of its Cold War satellites, Americans, without shedding blood, can throw off the Wuhan Virus Occupation. But why have Americans, especially, in the Democrat-controlled States, been so slow to do so? That is because young Americans, taught since the 1970s to believe in nothing, will believe anything Big Brother says.

Moreover, Wall Street (big Money) and the Progressive Wing of the Democrat Party are in bed with Red China. Recall, money is both fungible and fickle. Money is like the whore who patrols only the best hotel lobbies of Beijing and Shanghai.

Without question, the Wuhan Virus helped to turn the election of 2020 upside down. By accident or design, the Wuhan Virus worked in concert with what is explained in minute detail in the February 4, 2021, issue of Time Magazine: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the Election of 2020." Yes, saved it for Biden.

Evidence of voter fraud continues to surface in State-after-State. To borrow from the late, great Senator Everett Dirksen, Steal a million votes here, steal a million votes there, and, pretty soon, you have stolen a real election.

While it is unlikely the Biden Regency** will be turned out of office, the actions it has taken thus far might be declared null and void. Or, as President Trump said recently, "To be successful, all Joe Biden had to do was nothing."

* Lieutenant defined: "One who holds the place of another."

** Regency defined: When one rules in place of another."

Suggested reading: Berlin Diary, by William L. Shirer, 1940. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer, 1959. The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans, 2005.

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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