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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, August 16, 2021

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

USA: Fundamentally FUBARed*

Last week, I erred by opining that Gov. Andrew Cuomo would not resign. File that column under: "Never underestimate the power of women." Actually, I thought Gov. Cuomo would go down for ordering thousands of Wuhan Virus-infected elderly back into New York’s senior-care facilities, resulting in thousands of senseless deaths. Wrong again. It was serial groping that ousted Cuomo. Meanwhile, America has larger problems made worse by the RINOs in the U.S. Senate.

Given the Democrat’s slim majority in the House, given the 50-50 tie in the U.S. Senate (albeit VP Harris can break ties), it should not be possible for the Biden Regency** to increase our national debt by trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, 19 Republican U.S. Senators voted with the Democrats to pass a $.1.2 trillion-dollar infrastructure funding bill that contains more pork than a Jimmy Dean® sausage. RINOs all: Roy Blunt, Missouri; Richard Burr, North Carolina; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Bill Cassidy, Louisiana; Susan Collins, Maine; Kevin Cramer, North Dakota; Mike Crapo, Idaho; Deb Fischer, Nebraska; Lindsey Graham, South Carolina; Chuck Grassley, Iowa; John Hoeven, North Dakota; Mitch McConnell, Kentucky; Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Rob Portman, Ohio; James Risch, Idaho; Mitt Romney, Utah; Dan Sullivan, Alaska; Thom Tillis, North Carolina, and Roger Wicker, Mississippi.

When Republicans vote contrary to their home state’s polling results and contrary to what their home State Central Committees are urging them to do, one has to wonder which outside lobbyists have more influence than the folks back home?

But credit the Biden Regency** for being good at sending signals. On Day One, they cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, signaling the end of America’s independence from foreign oil. (Now, the Biden Regency* *is begging OPEC to produce more oil.) They signaled our southern border is open to all and are dumping Wuhan Virus-infected, illegal immigrants in TN, MA, FL, NJ, IN, MI, NC, GA, and TX. ***

Thanks to the Biden Regency,** we see the breakdown of: our fuel-supply chain, our food-supply chain, our labor-supply chain, our confidence in government health experts, and the politicalization the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.

No wonder Obama turned Martha’s Vineyard into a Woodstock to celebrate his "fundamental transformation of America," transforming our domestic culture with regard to sexual orientation, marriage, family, and reducing American power, prestige, and influence abroad.

Historically, Americans are okay with incremental changes. But Obama’s fundamental transformation unleashed the Dogs of Woke to intimidate, dehumanize, demonize, and even defund those who take a view contrary to Obama 3.0., which is redolent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

The evidence surrounds us: Rising fuel costs, fuel shortages, the gaps on grocery store shelves, workers who won’t report for work, truckers who won’t drive, soaring Inflation, girls and boys encouraged to question and even alter, surgically and chemically, who they are, and, of course, the end of women’s competitive sports.

Oh, and Oregon’s ultra-liberal Governor Kate Brown just made it official: Only "Whites" are smart enough to pass the standard tests for reading, writing, and arithmetic and; therefore, Oregon schools will graduate "people of color," without any testing. Is this Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, or what?

* FUBARed: Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition.

** Regency: When someone rules in place of another.


Suggested reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, 1932. Hillsdate College Imprimis, "Gender Identity Ideology Run Amok," by Abigail Shrier, Ph.D., Volume 50, Number 6/7.

©2021. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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