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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, September 18, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Beware the Ides of Crises

Reader alert: In the days ahead, expect to be bombarded with more and more crises (krahy-seez): conditions of danger or instability in economic, climate, healthcare, political, and international/military affairs that will be used to justify unconstitutional and unlawful executive actions for the purpose of controlling the 2024 presidential election.

Think about mail-in ballot harvesting and vote-tally computers with Internet access. Think about state officials who use various crises to suspend normal vote-integrity safeguards. These are historical facts of the 2020 election and are likely to happen again.

Recall, that there are two kinds of crises: Naturally occurring (often caused by earthquakes or violent storms) and Fake Crises created to induce the public to grant unrestricted police powers to public officials.

History provides ample examples of Fake Crises, starting with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. Austria had long sought an excuse to punish the Slavic, Russian-leaning Serbs. The Austrian invasion of Serbia caused the major European powers to mobilize against each other, leading to a world war that killed over 40 million soldiers and civilians. The Arch Duke was a minor figure. But his death was used to create a Fake Crisis.

When Hitler needed a Fake Crisis to cause President von Hindenburg and the Reichstag to grant Hitler dictatorial powers, Himmler’s SS men spread fire accelerants in the lobby and the basement of the Reichstag. A Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, was induced to start a fire in the lobby of the Reichstag. When van de Lubbe’s small fire reached the SS-planted accelerants, the historic building burned to the ground. After a fast show trial, van der Lubbe was beheaded.

When Hitler needed a Fake Crisis to "justify" his invasion of Poland, SS men dressed as Polish soldiers attacked the German radio station at Gleiwitz, The bullet-riddled bodies of concentration camp prisoners dressed as Polish soldiers were left at the scene. Lest they talk, Himmler had his dutiful SS men executed.

Fast forward to today. The Ministry of State Media (MSM) is telling us that there is another Covid Crisis. Mask-wearing and even lockdowns may be necessary. (This column does not offer medical advice except to say: have a qualified doctor and follow his or her medical advice.)

The Left claims the recent heat wave constitutes a Climate Crisis that must be countered with more taxpayer subsidies to alternative energy projects and the shutdown of virtually all CO-2 emitting activities.

But there is no man-made Climate Crisis. The heat wave is caused by a Super El Nino (very warm water) in the Pacific Ocean off of California. Over time, the Super El Nino will be replaced by a La Nina or maybe a Super La Nina (very cold water). All this is merely one of nature’s natural cycles, having nothing to do with CO-2 emissions.

Recently, 1600 scientists, all members of the Global Climate Intelligence Group, signed the "World Climate Declaration" that there is no climate emergency. Moreover, the scientists say the Climate Crisis alarmists are elites pushing a purely political agenda.

So, be aware of what is going to come via all the propaganda organs of the powers that be that will stop at nothing to stay in power.

Suggested reading: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer, 1960. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, 1925. Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis by Jared Diamond, 2019.

©2023. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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