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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, October 16, 2023

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Clueless in Gaza: Obama/Biden* fed the Iran Snake

History records that the Trump Administration cut off funds to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah. Moreover, the U.S. kept an air carrier task group on station in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (near Israel) or in the Persian Gulf (near Iran).

Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law, brokered the Abraham Accords, a first-ever treaty between Saudi Arabia and Israel that unites the Sunni Arabs and the Israelis in an effort to bring the Palestinians (PLO) back to the peace table. Recall, during the Trump years, Israel suffered only a hand full of rocket attacks.

But, all that changed when Biden* picked up where Obama left off by snubbing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (never invited to the White House by Biden*) by reviving the once-dead Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and John Kerry attempt to make Iran the nuclear top-dog of the Middle East. Biden’s* Secretary of State even bragged on TV how the U.S. resumed payments to the PLO.

No doubt, Hamas watched with satisfaction as the Qatar (the terrorists’ bank) received $6 billion dollars from the Biden* Regime as part of a prisoner swap. When Hamas and Hezbollah need explosives, Qatar provides the funds. NB: money is fungible. The re-freezing of the $6B may be an illusion.

Moreover, Hamas and other terrorist organizations and Red China’s President Xi cannot be ignorant that the Biden* Regime’s stated top priorities for the U.S. military are: Climate Change and "woke" DEI training, That continues a downward trend that began with the Benghazi Debacle and Obama’s sacking of the over 200 generals and admirals who so quickly liberated Kuwait and smashed the Taliban in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein in Iraq. (President G.W. Bush kept them there too long.)

Fast forward: It was not in the Vital Interest of the U.S. for the Biden* Regime to strip our stockpile of artillery shells and small arms and ship them to Ukraine. Even worse, the U.S. badgered the Israelis to do the same which, in part, explains why the Israeli response to the murders by Hamas was so slow.

Predictably, the Left’s (think Biden*) first response was to blame Israel, the victim, for an alleged Intel failure. Biden’s* second response was to call for a Cease Fire that would allow Hamas to escape Scot-free. But world outrage nixed that idea.

Ergo: The Biden* Regime is largely responsibility for the October 6th Hamas attacks on innocent civilians in Gaza.

This is not written to pump up the candidacy of Donald Trump or Robert Kennedy, Jr. or anyone. These are recorded geopolitical/military facts.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) must respond to the Hamas attacks on unarmed civilians with crushing force. But watch for the MSM to try to make unprovoked savage attacks on unarmed civilians the moral equivalent of the IDF’s operations to repel the Hamas invasion from Gaza and restore Israel’s border. Watch for the MSM to decry Israeli’s self-defense operations as excessively brutal.

And then there is the matter of what to do about Iran, which is clearly the head of the terrorist snake. The Saudis should provide a safe airway for the IDF to reduce Iran’s oil fields and refineries at Isfahan to rubble. But a total settlement with Iran for the misery it causes will not occur until the United States resumes its leadership of the Free World.

Suggested reading: Eyeless in Gaza by Aldous Huxley, 1936.

©2023. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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