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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, January 29, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Beware: Snowflake Rebels Without a Cause

This week’s suggested readings provide a brief recounting of all of the causes championed by History’s Insurrectionist against the Existing Order. Basically, when it came to food, shelter, clothing, and political freedom, the Under Classes were almost always being screwed over by the well-fed, warmly dressed Ruling Classes.

The well-founded grievances of the Under Classes are too numerous to recount here fully; however, the poorly paid Weavers in Europe and England were always fomenting revolution and deserve specific mention. Within the Guild System, Apprentices rebelled against their often cruel and uncaring Masters. French farmers could not understand why they must pay taxes to support the lifestyles of lazy city dwellers.

By the time Europe got to the many revolutions of 1847-48, every nation had starved, and poorly clothed peasants and even skilled artisans in the streets demanding reforms and bread. While the French Revolution of 1789 set an example of peasants, guided by clever Paris lawyers, to behead their King, Queen, and scores of others, it fell apart when the leading revolutionaries beheaded each other.

Napoleon Bonaparte was needed to restore order and, while he was at it, he became the dictator of most of Europe until Napoleon was sent to permanent exile in 1815. (The second suggested reading tells how a handful of leaders could have prevented WWI. Their weakness plunged the world into a needless war.)

Even so, after Napoleon, there were plenty of small revolutions by people without clean water, healthcare, sufficient food and political freedoms culminating the Revolution of 1848. The Revolution that sent millions of English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Baltic, and Balkan peoples on ships headed for America. Europe’s loss was our gain.

Fast forward to today. Who are the revolutionaries of today? Do they suffer from a lack of clean water, sanitary systems, health care, shelter, clothing, and food? No! As Victor Davis Hanson says, "Today’s rebels come from lives of leisure and comfort."

They shout obscenities revealing that someone taught them an upside down version of History. Someone taught them to love Hamas terrorists and hate the Jews who just want to live peacefully in their God-given Promised Land. Someone taught them to be racists, to scrap our Bill of Rights and take America down into a cancel-culture abyss. These coddled snowflakes have gotten their way with "taking America down a peg or two" since 2009. But now, they face the horror of a strong, charismatic (but obnoxious to many) leader who promises to upend the Bi-coastal Ruling Order and return America to the people out in Fly-over Land.

As Left-wing writer, Molly Berg, detailed in her Time Magazinearticle of February 8, 2021, the Progressive Left knows how to subvert elections and, despite the many legislative and court-ordered election reforms since 2020, the Progressives are ready to do so again. Moreover, people who have no regard for our Constitution and the Bill of Rights are happy to use Lawfare to rid ballots of candidates they oppose. But, if Lawfare fails as is likely, they could adopt the methods of Putin’s FSB (formerly KGB).

History is sadly replete with the failures of Secret Service protection. So, gentle readers, we may be on the cusp of a violent revolution.

Suggested Readings: Revolutionary Spring: Europe Aflame and the Fight for a New World 1847- 1848, by Christopher Clarke, 2014. The War that Ended Peace: the Road to 1914, by Margaret MacMillan, 2014.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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