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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, July 8, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Lenin and the return of the Comintern

It still seems incredible the USSR would dissolve with a relatively quiet whimper instead of a bang. Yet, the end of the USSR did not stop those who would do us harm. If the world’s largest economy could not be taken down militarily, then a more indirect approach might work.

World War I provides a perfect example. Blockaded by the Royal Navy, the starving Germans were desperate to get the Russian Army to quit the war.

Even though Czarist Russia was overturned by the Russian Revolution, the workers’ councils called "Soviets," were too patriotic to stab the Russian Army in the back. Plus, many in the Revolutionary Provisional Government that induced the Czar to abdicate still hoped that an Allied victory would reward Russia with the Balkans, with Istanbul, the Dardanelles, and access to the Mediterranean. Thus, patriotism and dreams of territorial colonialism prevented even the supposedly anti-war Communists from declaring Peace.

What the Germans needed was a fire-brand Communist orator and writer who might induce the Soviets to order the Russian Army to stack arms. The Germans found their fire-brand orator and writer living in exile in Switzerland. His name was V.I. Ulyanov (code name Lenin, 1870-1924). The Germans struck a secret deal with Lenin: The Germans would put Lenin, his wife, and 30 disciples (Stalin was already in Russia) on a sealed train through Germany, then by ferry to Sweden, by train across Finland to Russia. The Germans provided Lenin with plenty of cash to finance a campaign by Lenin and his Bolsheviks to get Russia out of the war. In fact, so much cash that Lenin was accused of being a German spy.

This affair was secret diplomacy, money, and the strategy of the indirect approach working their magic. Lenin’s fiery speeches and his writings did the trick. Russia dropped out of the war.

Germany’s brilliant stratagem almost altered the outcome of World War I. But the arrival of General John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Force in 1917 breathed new life into the Western Front, causing the Germans to ask for an Armistice. See: Lenin on the Train by Catherine Merridale (2017).

How does that relate to now? In 1918, Lenin and Leon Trotsky created the Communist Internationale (AKA Comintern). Its mission was to "Struggle by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie (that’s you and me) and the creation of an international soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the state." But with the demise of the USSR the Comintern, in various forms and under various names -- the Climate Cult being a good example -- came back to life. Determined to bring the successful Capitalist nations down more than "a peg or two." On September 9, 2001, Radical Islam provoked the U.S. to empower its intelligence agencies to run roughshod over our Bill of Rights. If America could not be destroyed from without, then some Comintern Jujitsu might do even better

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

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