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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, July 29, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Of Guns, Politics, and one Allied Cow

Given that the nominal effective range of the AR-15 rifle is 600 yards, how was it possible that Thomas Crooks positioned his Ar-15 within 130 yards of President Trump and other rally attendees? And why did the Secret Service allow President Trump to take the stage when, for the previous half-hour, local police were conducting a major manhunt on the rally grounds for a suspicious character who turned out to be the would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks? And why was a 1:12 pitch roof too steep for Secret Service safety? Congressman Pat Fallon of Texas, says a 1:12 pitch meets ADA standards for wheelchair safety.

Bottom line: whoever occupies the White House on January 20, 2025, would be well advised to ask Congress for a thorough examination of how the Secret Service is funded, organized, staffed, and trained. to protect (or not) those who are authorized Secret Service protection.

Now, post-debate, President Biden*s handlers decided Biden* isn’t "sharp as a tack" enough to defeat President Trump; however, it is okay for Biden* to possess the nuclear codes and presidential pardon powers until January 20, 2025.

Amazingly, even though she never won a primary or a delegate by herself, VP Kamala Harris (AKA the Border Czar) may top the Democrat ’s ticket. Go figure.

Actually, we two former political consultants had no plans to watch the GOP convention. Mainly because, we have yet to unpack a TV set.

Then, after the shooting in PA, Citizen Free Press,, and two politically savvy friends came to our information rescue. We watched almost all of the GOP convention on our computer screens. Maybe, after Labor Day, we will locate a TV set. Maybe, not.

Rest assured, we do not want for other things to do. We bought a larger screen GPS for our SUV. But the unit thinks it is in Canada and not in the USA. Soon, a 14-year-old neighbor will come over to fix that. Wonder Wife keeps a countdown chart next to the clothes washer because she knows the AI Devil inside will shut the machine down if she does not apply its desired cleaner on time.

Still, we found time to celebrate Penny’s recent winning of the Colorado Authors’ League 1st Place Award for her article: "Dwight Eisenhower, America’s First Pilot President." Few know President Eisenhower racked up 350 hours learning to fly in the Philippines when Ike was aide to General Douglas MacArthur.

One might add that three pilots were key to the planning of D-Day: General Eisenhower, General Patton, and (drum roll) Prime Minister Winston Churchill who learned to fly when he was First Lord of the Admiralty. however, his wife, Clementine, insisted that Winston stop flying. Credit Mrs. Churchill with saving the statesman who saved Western Civilization from the Nazi menace.

Shortly after D-Day, General Eisenhower moved his headquarters to rural France. Grateful farmers gave Ike a cow. When no milk resulted, the problem was two city-raised mess sergeants who never milked a cow. Ike, the former farm boy, sat down and within minutes produced a bucket brimming with milk. On that day, the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces Europe commanded not only thousands of Allied troops, but also, one Allied cow.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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