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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, August 12, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Uprooting the Deep State, maybe...

Assuming a true, non-RINO conservative is elected to the White House; the President should demand the resignations of all the Executive Branch officials whose jobs are listed in the Plum Book that lists about 9,000 positions that are subject to political appointment. In theory, these 9,000 executives are to support the official government policies that come from the White House. But, in practice, many of the 9,000, if left in place, support the policies of the previous Administration or do whatever serves the interests of the Deep State.

During the period between Election Day and Inauguration Day, a Screening Panel of true, non-RINO conservatives who are dedicated to uprooting the Deep State should review all of the positions that are subject to political appointment and then provide the newly elected President with a list of those whose resignations should be accepted and a list of those whose services should be retained.

Among those executives who should be retained the Screening Panel should try to identify those executives who are good at putting out the fires in wastebaskets. And identify long-range thinkers who are good at preventing wastebasket fires in the first place.

The long-range thinkers should be recommended for cabinet-level appointments and/or to be directors of federal agencies. The short-range thinkers should be recommended for posts at the day-to-day operational level. For more on this concept read Long Fuse: Big Band by Eric Heseltine (2010).

The unpleasant truth is that our Executive Branch is badly broken. Read Zero Fail by Carol Leaning to understand that is true of the Secret Service. (2022) Read The Spy in Moscow Station (2019) by Eric Haseltine to understand that our Intelligence Community is also broken and how interagency budget battles destroy the cooperation needed to provide the White House with the true nature of our opponents’ capabilities ado intentions.

Granted, even Hercules might fail to flush out the Augean Stables of the Deep State, the Pentagon, and the Intelligence Community. But if the USA is to regain its place as international top dog, the Deep State must be uprooted and the kind of Executive Branch intended by the Framers of our Constitution put in its place.

Given proper leadership from the White House, our long-range prospects look good, while those of the depopulating Red China and Russia look dismal. But good leadership is essential.

Examples of failed leadership abound: If British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey made it abundantly clear to Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would not tolerate an invasion of Belgium and France, World War I might have been averted. Had Dean Atchison not, (in violation of FDR’s orders) cut off our supply of oil to Japan, WWII might have been delayed. Had Dean Atchison not said South Korea was outside U.S. interest, we might not have had the Korean War. Had Bill Clinton paid more attention to Osama bin laden, we might not have suffered 9/11. Had G.W. Bush listened to the leaders of Germany, Russia, and France; we might not have invaded Iraq for the wrong reasons. If the Socialist upbringing of Barack Obama had been thoroughly vetted, we might not have declined in military power and international prestige.

©2024. William Hamilton. .

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

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