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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, August 19, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Deep State: Armed and Dangerous?

A major hallmark of American Democracy is the peaceful transition of political power from one party to another, albeit there have been times when some States sent rival Electoral College Delegations to Washington for the Congress to sort out as per the U.S. Constitution. Under the gavel of a competent U.S. Senate President (sitting Vice President) the Delegation Resolution Process works well. It did not on January 6, 2021. Next time Kamala Harris holds the gavel. Think about that.

But let’s go forward to the ongoing presidential election campaign. What if the party currently in power is voted out of office? If the aftermath of the 2016 election is any guide, we will see attempts to get Electoral College Electors to become "faithless electors," and we will see violent demonstrations surrounding a number of State Capitols.

But back then the Deep State could not have known that the elected President would prove to be such an existential threat. Today, the Deep State has a much better idea of what is at stake. As outlined last week in this space, the Deep State could be facing an almost total wipeout. And so, the period between Election Day and Inauguration Day and even beyond could see some of the armed Deep State agencies strike back. Recall, even some IRS and Social Security Agents can carry arms. Not to mention the CIA and the FBI.

Also, during the Cold War, the USSR’s premier Deep State agency, the KGB, and our premier Deep State agency, the CIA made a practice of rigging the outcomes of elections in foreign lands. Even overthrowing existing regimes. Ergo: we have at least one Deep State agency with experience in this field.

Also recall, in the 1980s, with the advent of Perestroika and Glasnost, the USSR tried to create "Socialism with a human face." Mikhail Gorbachev and other intellectuals did so because making faulty farm tractors, tanks, and locomotives was not producing the promised "People’s Paradise." To compete with the Western Democracies, the USSR shifted from an Industrial Economy toward a Consumer Economy

Amazingly, in December 1991, the USSR was dissolved without major bloodshed, albeit Russian is now in the hands of a ruthless dictator who thinks he is the reincarnation of Peter the Great. Were he alive, President Reagan might joke: I knew Peter the Great and Vladimir Putin is no Peter the Great. Or, here at home:, I knew Nelson Mandela and George Floyd is no Nelson Mandela.

But what if by hook or crook the Biden*I/Obama/Harris Regime remains in power and the Deep State continues in office? In this country, the Right, for the most part, has a history of dutiful obedience to the Constitution. The guys with the MAGA hats and the NRA stickers are likely to lick their wounds and, like "Boxer", the horse in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, simply say, "I will work harder."

But if the Deep State is not brought back under Constitutional control as a result of this election cycle, Boxer, who represented the downtrodden Russian masses, may come to symbolize the American people from now on with the USA on the decline and the Russian-backed Iran on the rise. Stranger things have happened.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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