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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, September 23, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Election 2024: Why UFOs won’t land

One need not be a conservative to understand that something very strange is happening in America. Indeed, an impartial observer from, say, Mars, could well conclude that the U.S. qualifies as a banana republic in which the transfer of political power is rarely peaceful. Political strife, however, is nothing new.

Recall, President-elect Lincoln faced an uphill battle with seven pro-slavery Southern States withdrawing from the Union even before Lincoln could take office. But no one attempted to keep Lincoln off the ballots. And it was only after Lincoln was reelected that he was assassinated.

By contrast, former President Trump faces an entire Department of Justice that promotes lawfare designed to keep Trump off the ballot, even put him in jail. Plus, a Department of Homeland Security/Secret Service apparently determined to allow armed assassins within easy rifle shot range of the former President.

But wait. There’s more: What if Kamala Harris decides her chances of election would be better if she runs the rest of this race as the incumbent President of the United States? She might convince President Biden* to go ahead and pardon his family members and himself and resign the presidency now.

History records that incumbent, war-time U.S. Presidents are almost never denied reelection. The newly inaugurated President Harris could easily involve the U.S. in a direct shooting war with Russia and/or Iran or North Korea.

But what would a newly inaugurated President Harris do for a VP? Recall, former VP Ford, suddenly made President when President Nixon resigned, needed both Houses of Congress to approve Nelson Rockefeller as Ford’s VP. The currently GOP-controlled House might not approve of anyone nominated by Harris, to include Tim Walz.

Meanwhile, President Trump faces an obviously hostile Main Stream Media as demonstrated by the shabby treatment inflicted on President Trump by ABC-TV during the most recent debate.

But wait, There’s even more: Assuming Donald J. Trump is reelected, there will be the on-going problem of lethal violence directed against him and maybe even against his most visible supporters at public events. So, one need not be a George Orwell to envision America as an armed camp with people wearing flak jackets and carrying weapons to their job sites and offices.

Recall, so determined were the King Cotton Democrats to preserve the institution of slavery that the South suffered almost 500,000 casualties. To force the Southern States back into the Union and to free the slaves, cost the North over 625,000 casualties

Poor Lincoln suffered a Supreme Court capable of handing down the abominable Dred Scott Decision. A reelected President Trump would have the advantage of a Supreme Court that tries, and sometimes succeeds, in making rulings that accord with the intentions of those who framed the U.S. Constitution.

Based on recent sightings of UFOs, it may well be that the American political scene is being observed by Martians who are too intelligent to land in the midst of an American presidential campaign like no other since 1824 when the Electoral College vote was indecisive, putting the US. House of Representatives in charge of selecting the winner.

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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