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CENTRAL VIEW for Monday, October 14, 2024

by William Hamilton, Ph.D.

Election 2024: Too big to rig?

Determining what really happened with the 2020 presidential election will absorb the attention of political pundits and historians for years to come. Even so, writing the February 4, 2021, issue of Time Magazine, leftist writer, Molly Berg, explained the 2020 election was "saved," not stolen, Instead she and her comrades took advantage of Covid and election law loopholes to make sure President Trump could not win.

Many voters went to bed on November 5th, 2020 thinking President Trump was re-elected. Indeed, he was on Election Day, however, in the following days enough votes came from somewhere to hand the election to Biden*/Harris.

This observer thought the Berg "confession" settled the matter; however, other explanations abound, to include various versions of what took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Space does not permit a reprint of Berg’s article Suffice it to say that Covid provided an excuse for the Secretaries of State and the election officials of left-leaning States to throw previous ballot cut-off dates and verification procedures to the partisan winds, allowing the election to drag on until Biden*/Harris were declared the winners. There was, however, enough smoke to convince many of an election bonfire with Donald Trump in the role of Joan of Arc.

A couple of States sent more than one slate of Electoral College Electors to Congress on January 6, 2021. The task of VP Mike Pence, the presiding officer, was simple: Allow each contending slate to state its case and then allow each body, the Senate and the House, to decide which slates were legitimate.

But a riot outside the Chambers, staged by who knows who? panicked VP Pence. Many Members fled as if Putin’s tanks invaded the Capitol grounds. The election was "decided" at 3:44 a.m. on January 7th, leaving many to wonder if skullduggery was afoot.

Is the above summary accurate? Maybe. No one knows. But what Molly Berg wrote seems accurate. Unfortunately, too few ever read her article and the MSM were quick to bury what she revealed.

So, whatever version of what happened in 2020 you wish to believe, the 2024 reality is this: If President Trump is to win re-election his get out the vote campaign must be monumental. But this time in, place of Covid, is the Biden*/Harris engineered flood of illegal migrants who, in 20 States, can apply for driver’s licenses and are automatically registered to vote in this election.

Moreover, many ballot boxes sit outdoors unattended, open to be stuffed with mail-in ballots harvested by either side. Or, blown away by Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

The U.S. Postal Service says it is not staffed to handle the expected flood of mail-in ballots. Election pundits are preparing the public to not expect Election Day to be decisive. Brainwashing 101.

Elon Musk, who is good at math, says that if even a fraction of the illegal migrants vote in the swing States, this is likely to be America’s last multi-party election. The Left will achieve one-party rule, forever. President Trump’s great hope is that his voter turn-out will be "too big to rig."

Suggested reading: "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election," by Molly Ball. Time Magazine, Feb.4, 2021. "

©2024. William Hamilton.

©1999-2024. American Press Syndicate.

Dr. Hamilton can be contacted at:


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